Meditation called as “Dhyana” in Sanskrit, dhi means “receiving” and Yana means “movement”. It’s a Gradual receiving from the Mother Creation or the Cosmos or the Universal Energy Source,
the DIVINE, the Absolute...
It’s become a separate task today. It’s a bit unfortunate. Meditation is the prime basis of LIVING OR The LIFE OR The ENERGY.(Prana as it is called in Sanskrit)
Meditation is Fundamental. Our Ancient Vedic Ancestors followed Vedas or Puranas, who walked this land more than thousands of years ago,, meditated to achieve specific purposes in their lives.
The purpose of every soul which has taken form on this planet has been and will be same till the time lasts. But the path taken by each soul to achieve its purpose through LIFE on this planet will be different i.e. the Karma or Action plan of every soul entering the boundary of this planet will always be different.
Always need to remind ourselves the fundamental:

Meditation is simple process of getting our energies concentrated at a Single point in the body. Basically, clearing our mind of all the data, that has accumulated over the past. Though its simple, it requires a desperate sense of seeking. I hope you understand what I am mean. It needs a consistent practice guided by a high purpose. Experienced Guru’s guidance will be the best to take initially and every experience can be shared with the Guru as we move in the journey of learning.
As I have understood, Meditation is completely about “Learning through Experiencing” and the Learning doesn’t end. The Experience is Indefinite and cannot be expressed by words or any Logic.
I have been practicing meditation and living through it since months. I would like to briefly share my experience here. I will try to put forth how much ever possible, but if you really want to feel my experience, then you need to trail the path of Silence. “Silence is the Best Expression for Meditation”
What I am about to share may help many who are reading. May be you are curious about meditation or wanting to practice or you are experiencing certain small confusions about the meditation process.
PART 1 : The Starting Point of Meditation (The simplification of Spiritual Meaning).

Rightly understood, Concentration is the prime requirement for Meditation. Absolutely Correct. But… what do we Concentrate on?
Concentration in today's world may mean to eradicate all the distracting thoughts and strictly focus on subject. But the main point we are missing here is the way in which we need to treat the distracting thoughts.
We are normally concentrating on getting rid of thoughts. As we cannot stop the thoughts, we start getting desperate. We consider Thoughts as distractions. They aren't. They need not be looked at that way.
If we work on restricting our thoughts, we end up suppressing mental data from free flow.. The data or the thoughts need to keep flowing. We are just observing these thoughts pass by, Lets understand this, anything Stagnant means Death or Decay or Deterioration. The Suppression of mental data will have unwanted effects on our mind. Everything in the nature or the creation is in continuous movement. In scientific terms it’s called Entropy.
So lets now work on suppressing our Thoughts. Let them have a free permit to pass by.. We will be reaching a point point when our mind has no more data. That's the point where we start feeling the Emptiness.Mind gets over of all the date or thoughts. We start feeling the Floating sensation. At this point, you may ask me that how much time it may take for any one to reach this point. Well It varies for everyone depending on their life experiences till date. Because our Mind is a Complex Structure. It has many levels. As the levels go deeper there is more historic data stored which is not just limited to this life (more on this in my blog on Memory)
Example: Lets compare the Thoughts or the mental data to the water content in the wet clothes once washed. When these wet clothes are put in Sunlight for Drying the water evaporates gradually. The time taken by each cloth to dry is different depending on the type of cloth and the water content absorbed by the cloth. Each one of our mind is like this cloth i.e. our mind has absorbed enormous amount of data and influences from the environment or the world around. So, depending on the amount of data which cannot be logically or tangibly estimated, each one of us take different time duration to reach the point of Blankness. Believe me whatever the time taken, its WORTH IT… THAT’S THE STARTING POINT OF YOUR JOURNEY... YOU ARE JUST GETTING STARTED ON THE JOURNEY TO DESTINY.
Taking It Further, Meditation is not about restricting the mind from functioning. When the data gets suppressed in the storage area of our brain then it starts leading to Depression and later decay (Will blog on this for sure. It needs a mention) There are many whose main purpose of Meditation is to get Peace, Relaxation or decrease stress. I feel surprised many times when my friends ask me how to do you manage Stress. I smile and ask them “My dear friend why do you want to manage stress. Are you Crazy. Immediately stop doing anything and everything which is of stress to you”. So, the Purpose of Meditation is not all this. But be assured that Mental Peace, Relaxation, Happiness, etc. all this will come as a byproduct of Meditation Practice.

Sit Down in Comfortable position preferably is cross leg posture, close your eyes, mild focus between your eye brows, relax by breathing slowly and steadily. Inhale deeply and Exhale gradually. Try not to give a gap between each cycle. Try to inhale and exhale gradually, in a continuous form or sinusoidal form. This will start relaxing your senses and the energy which is spread out across the body starts concentrating at point of focus (Heart or between eyebrows).. During this time there will be lot of thoughts rushing through your mind, many visual memory will be coming to the fore. Let is travel but you stay. Just tell the thought "I am Meditating. I am Meditating..."
Just be an Observer. A mute unaffected. Do not get involved with any of your thought. Just consider the thought as a data which is just drifting away. Just Imagine you are on the Railway station Platform and the train in passing by. Just observe. Don’t allow your mind to stop at any point on the train or don’t allow it to have any view point about anything on the train. Incase you get a thought softly bid a due to it and you wind back to being an observer. That’s it…. IT HAS NO BEGINNING, NO ENDING.... IT JUST EXISTS...