Home with Books is a Beautiful Home. Wow What a statement. The greatest achievers say that even today they buy books, they download books, a lot of them, they even have Book reading nights with their loved ones, they go for Books Shopping and get arm load of books.

The MISCELLANEOUS MINDSET : The World today loves Quick Fixes, 10 sec videos, t20 games. They are only looking for Instant bites of information. The Leaders term this as Miscellaneous mindset syndrome. “Mind continuously fed with Miscellaneous data leads to Mental Diarrhea” similar to feeding your body with too much fast food. Unfortunately this has become a trend today. Instead of getting plagued by continuous Social media information adopt the habit of reading. Please make it your Daily Ritual.

It is said that the type of person you will be in the coming years is all defined by the Books you read, the type of people your surround yourself with as that determines what you feed your mind with
‘Reading a book is nothing but having personal one to one conversation with the author”.
I am sure all of us have had one to one conversations with someone very wise, a leader, an entrepreneur, a teacher or our own parents, and we have taken that one point which inspired us.
In the same way imagine having conversations with your role models such as Sachin Tendulkar, Rahul Dravid, Shahrukh Khan, M S Dhoni, Andre Agassi, Robin Sharma, Anthony Robin, Thomas Edison, Benjamin Franklyn, Mahatma Gandhi ji, Bhagat Singh, etc. They have influenced the lives of Millions. Reading about their vast experience, their journey through the tough times, the challenges they faced, their lifestyle, their mistakes, their values, their principles and the mentors they followed will leave us overwhelmed. It will have a deep influence on our subconscious mind.
There are books written by the Titans of the Industry, successful Entrepreneurs, highly productive people on the planet. You can pick up the best of these any time of the day without any prior appointment and have a dialogue with these legends. They are the ones who are behind the biggest of the brands such as STARBUCKS, Coca Cola, Nike, space ex etc.. They had an idea upon which they built an Empire.

When you take a book of 200 pages to read, there is a great value and devotion attached to it. Reading a book gives you deep sense of understanding. It strengthens mind and being with energy that results in confidence and discipline. It gives you an ability to make less impulsive decisions in your Business or any work. As you get into the reading habit and it becomes your daily ritual, you will experience the entire world opening up to you..
Leadership expert Mr Robin Sharma says that Reading books is nothing but connecting with Greatest of the minds who lived on the planet and we cannot put price tag on that.
Most of them are very busy with their daily schedules and don’t find time to read. Here the Audiobook prove to be of great help.
The Power of Audio Books
“When Victims are looking to get Entertained the Leaders are busy getting Educated”
There are hundreds of iconic audiobooks which can be audio read while you are walking, running, driving etc.
“Someone's sitting in the shade today because
someone planted a tree a long time ago.”
Warren Buffet
A big tree is like a book written with tones of hours of experience. This tree was planted long time ago when author or the legend started their journey towards their VISION. The shade of the tree in which we relax is the knowledge and wisdom the book gives.
Reading a book tunes the readers mind to that of the author’s mind during the time he wrote the book. The legends or the authors have summarized the best of the knowledge learned in their life in their book.
One of the inspirational icon Bob Proctor says Book is nothing but Movie painted in words. He credits his success to the habit of Reading books.

Walk the Time line :
An author takes a lifetime of experiences and summarizes the best of the learnings in his book. This is a blessing to the reader as he can walk through the entire life of the author in a more refined way. This may take a week to 10 days of time to get an insight of priceless experiences of the writer.
The duration in which we read a book, we virtually live the life of the writer. It’s time travel. We walk the entire timeline of the author.
New Hope and Sustains Confidence
We all go through rough patches in our lives. We struggle through tough times, get misunderstood and loose confidence. The best thing to do during such low times, is to take up a good book and go sit in a serene place, away from all distractions. JUST READ, READ AND READ…EXPERIENCE THIS…. There is great knowledge staring at us, waiting to be learnt from the books written by the leaders such as Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr and many other Legendary human beings.
Surround yourself with greatest of the Achievers on the planet. Read them, Observe them, Hear them, Speak to them.When we read books on productivity, leadership, wisdom rituals like Rising early, Health and fitness routines, it changes our perspective. We get more aware and organized.

The Autobiographies or Biographies show us that LIFE has its own climax. There are Highs and Lows in everyone’s life. Some of them crumble and some of them rise over. Whoever rises over the challenges, leave their learnings behind in the form of words. These literatures become Leader’s Training manuals.
Simply speaking reading habit releases you from Unease, Anxiety, Tension, Stress, worry and all forms of fear. It leads to change in our attitude FROM “I CANT” TO “I CAN”.
Readers understand that “Life is in the present, NOW”.
As we read, we start believing that the each one of us have an iconic greatness hidden within us. It needs energy and expression.
So dear friends, just take a book written by a great author tonight and read for 30 minutes with complete involvement. Keep yourself away from distractions. Do this for next 30 days. Write your experience in your Journal.
Bloggerstrail .

#bookreading, #reading, #importance of reading Books, #bloggerstrail, #wisdom, #readingbooks, #daily rituals #Leaders Rituals