Why am I born as a Human? Who am I ? What my purpose?

These questions always haunted me. I dint know where to look for the answer. I went to temples, asked my parents, asked even my grand parents, asked the priest in the temple, asked an astrologer, and many people who I considered wise. None of the answers convinced me or rather their answers gave birth to newer questions. When my astrologer told me i wouldn't travel abroad as my Rahu is weak, my parents told me that i am Rohit their son, my grand parents told me I was a intelligent grand son and they just were happy that i asked questions. But my father felt that I am trying to sense a different dimension all together but as a father he asked to stick to academics and finish it to get into decent profession in future.
I always thought When my elders or guru ji say we are all son of God and God writes our destiny, then why is it that he has written pain, so much pain for us. Why hasnt he made our lives as happy as sunshine or a pleasant as nature around Swiss Alps.
I was 22 and just out of Engineering college, got my first job placement in Dubai. I was happy and ecstatic. But as the months passed in Dubai, I started feeling home sick. I couldnt get along with my boss. ALways got harrassed by his slang and hard tongue. I felt complete torture. Niether could I come back home nor I could stay there getting scolded every day. I wasn't ever being spoken that way in my Life. That was LIFE in front of me staring.
I was feeling Lonely. Though I love being alone reading books and with my own self, this loneliness was eating me. One day I just sat at one corner of a beach at corniche in Sharjah on a stone pile just staring at the waves.
A while later some old and elderly voice spoke to me. He asked me why I was so sad. I met this old man for the very first time. I dint know him. I fumbled a bit but later as the conversation started I felt at place and I just kept telling him everything which was happening to me.
He said. Whatever is happening cannot be changed at all. Its Destined. The way we cant stop the sun from setting or from rising, the same way we cant stop the situations arising in our lives, Thats Destiny. But there is one most significant gift we human beings have is we can choose how to respond to the Situations. In my case either leave the job and go back home, else stay there and make myself so strong that nothing can effect my inner self whatever slangs my boss uses, however tough the situation be. One thing he assured me that the situations will not kill me but it will always renew my power to a newer dimension. That conversation carried onn to a point where he showed me that there is something in me which is actually me and not my identity as Rohit. Once I start feeling that my Body, my mind and "me" are different entities, I will be free from all the worries and pain. This is true for every one in the world. That was the answer I got for the question i kept having since my initial days.
Why am I born as a Human? Who am I ? What my purpose?
"But how to experience this". HOW? he said "close your eyes, concentrate on breathing". I asked "how many times?". "Infinite times" he said.
Let me continue what the old bearded man said. He also said " the moment I realize this difference I will start understanding the true purpose of every life on this planet. We have come here from somewhere for some reason and we need to go back there. If we are going back to the source then why we came here is to finish our Karma in the simplest way possible is by becoming the pure energy which made us. That's Salvation or Mukti. the Journey it is through Karmic Account. The sanskaras need to be pure to settle our karmic account. Right sankalpas are required to form right sanskaras.

The option we Human being have today is to settle the Karmic account by choosing the responsive action from our side. We can completely opt to choose how we want to respond to situations. This can be done through changing of our Sanskars (habitual thought or action pattern) or making a strong resolve (sankalp).
Thats possible by giving Auto suggestions to our mind towards Purified thoughts> The Mind will agree and obey. Thats the Focal point or Fundamental Milestone of Meditation Practice. Purifying our Mind ie, sub conscious levels of mind.

All the Meditation Practitioners or Guides which radiate the Aura of Divinity (High frequency) focus on the guiding the Mind to the place of NOW.
Whatever has happened in the past, or whatever is happening or whatever will happen are all a part of our Karmic Account which is registered in our destiny due to our past Karma (actions). They are destined in response to our Karma till date The responsive action depends on the frequency of the event which happened as a Primary Event.
Will Continue...
With Love and Compassion